
General Parent Information

Emergency Student Information

It is the parent's responsibility to inform the school office of any changes of address, phone number, work location and emergency numbers you have during the year.

Parking Lot Rules: Procedures for Dropping Off/Picking Up Students

We are concerned about our students who walk and are driven to and from school. Our goal is to keep our parking lot safe for all students. We ask that you drop off and pick-up your students at either the west end or east end of the parking lot. Please do not pull into the parking lot. There are sidewalks located at both ends for your child to walk on. Students should not walk in the parking lot; they must stay on the sidewalk at all times. There will be teachers at each end of the parking lot to ensure the safety of your child. Students will not be allowed to cross Blanchard Road to get into a car. Students should be picked up and dropped off on the south side of Blanchard Road.

If you are coming to school and staying for a meeting, field trip, etc., please inform the teacher on duty. You will then be directed where to park.

Thank you for your assistance. Our goal is to keep the students at John Clark School safe from all traffic harm.

Student Attendance

Pursuant to the Illinois School Code, Section 26-1, children are to be in attendance at school every day unless they are ill, observing a religious holiday or a death in the family. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that their child is in school. any child that is absent from school without an excuse is considered truant according to the law. The school is required to report chronic absences to the Lake County Truant Officer for further action.

Call-In Attendance Procedure

Parents must follow these procedures when your child is absent:

  1. Parents must call the school before 9:00 a.m. to report their child absent. Our office provides an answering machine so very early calls can be recorded.
  2. The school will attempt to call if the child is not in school after 10:00 a.m. and we have not received a call from the parent.
  3. Students who are late must report to the school office to sign in before going to class.

Emergency School Closing

The Superintendent and/or his designee may close or dismiss school in extremely inclement weather. In the event that schools are forced to close, please DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL. Listen to the radio for announcements of school closing.

WKRS   1220 AM
WGN   720 AM
WMAQ   670 AM
WLS   890 AM
WXLC   102.3 FM
WKZN   96.9 FM
WBBM   96.3 FM
WKGA   1550 AM (Spanish)

Your home, work and emergency phone numbers will be used by school personnel and parent volunteers to phone you in the event that school closes early.

School Closure information is also posted to the Waukegan Public School District 60 web site.

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